Listing Options Built in For Sellers

The Way Real Estate is Listed and Sold has Changed

Explore our Exclusive Listing Options


Our goal is to deliver the best valuation products in real estate. We not only provide multiple valuation sources but we give you the ability to engage and adjust.

Listing Options

The way real estate is sold has changed. There are multiple ways to list and sell and it is important to understand the benefits of all options.

Multiple Cash Offers

Cash/ Instant offers are a big part of real estate and as a seller it is important to be able to receive multiple cash/ instant offers and understand the benefits of each.


As listing options change so do marketing methods. Working with the right agent to provide the best marketing to the best audience is crucial.

Curious About Instant / Cash Offers?

We make instant/ cash offers easy.

Simply input your address and property details and we will deliver multiple cash offers.

Don't settle for just one offer- let us bring you multiple offers

About Us


Channel Cities Realty Group is not like your ordinary real estate company. We pride ourselves on offering unique seller listing options tailored to fit each homeowner's selling needs. Our mission is simple: to help seller's save money while ensuring your home gets the full exposure it deserves when marketing it for sale.

At Channel Cities Realty Group, we understand that every home and every homeowner is different. That's why we provide a range of listing programs for you to choose from. Whether you're looking for a full-service experience or prefer to take a more hands-on approach, we have the perfect solution for you.

But what if you don't see a program that fits your specific requirements? Don't worry – we've got you covered. We believe in going above and beyond to meet our clients' needs, which is why we're more than happy to create a customized listing program just for you.

With Channel Cities Realty Group, selling your home has never been easier or more personalized. Trust us to guide you through every step of the process, saving you time, money, and stress along the way.

Experience the difference with Channel Cities Realty Group – where your unique selling needs always come first.

John R Thompson- "Your Real Estate Partner For Life"

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